Are you wasting your time, money, and enthusiasm on people who sincerely aren't interested in what you have to offer? Instead of looking for suspects who may have the capacity to buy your product or service some day down the road, start seeking prospects who are qualified to do so today. In other words, go where the money is.
Here are some tips on how to find prime, qualified targets today:
1. Get organized. Build a strong list of client names, addresses, e-mails, and phone numbers by placing customers on a preferred client mailing and announcement list. After requesting to add them to your client list, be sure to follow through and make formal announcements once you compile your client list.
2. Make friends. Use the Internet to search for other industries that have a similar target audience (those who are complementary versus competitive with your business). When you determine which other businesses would also sell to your client, contact them and offer to share or trade prospect names with them.
3. Don't play favorites. Don't limit your prospecting simply to previous or current customers. A large number of high-quality prospects and leads can be turned into profitable clients through regular and strategic communication with them.
4. Get creative. Avoid general advertisements, letters, or promotions. Always make sure that your offers refer to a specific product or service. This way, readers with strong interests can easily qualify themselves and take advantage of your offer.
5. Control yourself. Always focus your efforts on the markets, prospects, and activities that offer you the highest probability of a payoff. Don't waste time and energy on suspects. Invest your time in nurturing big, rewarding prospects.
Once you've "targeted your target market" you're already on your way to more sales, more reliable customers, and more growth as a business. Do dive even deeper into this topic, check out this suggested reading from
Until next time,
Peter "The Printer" Lineal
Plum Grove
2160 Stonington Avenue
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Ph: 847.882.4020 Ext: 133

Printing, Marketing & Promotional Products with Powerful Execution.
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