In executing your marketing campaign, you don't simply want to get the word out about a product or service. You're also trying to position your company as an authority on a particular
topic. One of the most important-- yet most often overlooked-- marketing goals is consumer education.
The Benefits
An increased emphasis on consumer education brings with it benefits that can't be ignored. For starters, it allows you
to take a deeper level of control over the narrative that you're telling. You're retooling the information that consumers
are seeking in a much more positive way. Instead of making a
declarative statement with your campaign like, "Here are all of the amazing and
incredible features of my product or service," you get to take a less sales-oriented approach and offer advice: "Here are the
problems you have, and here is how my product or
service is the answer."
Perhaps the biggest
benefit is
that you get to essentially PROVE that your product/service is necessary
and let your audience come to the same conclusion on their own. This helps
to deepen the sense of confidence that consumers get from your company, which
almost always leads to loyalty sooner rather than later.
Another element to consider involves the subtle ways
in which you change the relationship between company and customer. With consumer
education, marketing is no longer a passive approach. Instead, it's decidedly
active-- consumers are no longer HEARING about your product or READING about it,
they're LEARNING about it. They're engaging in a whole new
way. It officially transforms the marketing experience into a two-way street by
way of empowerment.
The more satisfied with the marketing experience a consumer is, the
more confident they ultimately are with how they spend their money. Turning the tide of the conversation in your direction through consumer
education provides a powerful opportunity for you.
Peter "The Printer" Lineal
Plum Grove
2160 Stonington Avenue
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Ph: 847.882.4020 Ext: 133

Printing, Marketing & Promotional Products with Powerful Execution.
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